четвъртък, 25 октомври 2012 г.

The last couple of days were really fun actually. I had the time of my life. People say the years which you spend in the university are the best in your life, and now I can truly understand why they are saying that. I can proudly say that I have the best colleagues and I hope the friendships that I'm making with them last.

понеделник, 22 октомври 2012 г.

You choose your own path! :)

It's been a while :)

Well.. here I am, back again. I know it's been a while, I guess, I just needed some inspiration. And I think I've found it. But before everything that is going to happen, happens, why don't we just stop for a minute!? Look trough the window, what do you see? Is it a lonely world, where a smile is almost impossible to see? Or is it a happy world where everything is OK and there's a smile on every face?

Dalai Lama said: "Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions."
So why don't we try to be happy and to live the life that we want?

сряда, 8 август 2012 г.

понеделник, 23 юли 2012 г.

Live without regrets!

And as like someone once said:  "There are too many other people, but just one you!" Never regret your decisions. Just remember always to follow your heart!

неделя, 8 юли 2012 г.

Yes, I can definitely say I'm THAT GIRL! But I'm also the girl who has her DESTINY all in her arms, stays true to HERSELF and try to be more ME than SOMEONE ELSE. I wish more people could be like this! TO BE THEMSELVES! Because there are too many people in this world, but just one YOU

петък, 22 юни 2012 г.

It's FRIDAY, people! Time to party. Me and my best friend, Gaby are having a little party at my place, getting ready to go to a club! Have a gread day!

четвъртък, 21 юни 2012 г.

“When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.” 

"Everybody lies." 

This is the most correct quotes about the people today. We are all surrounded by liars. People who act like they care about you, but when you most need them, nobody is around to help you. 

вторник, 19 юни 2012 г.

I've made a second blog couple of weeks ago. Why? I don't know actually. Maybe I just need more space to write what's happening in my life! ... Just me! again..
Most love stories are about people who fall in love with each other.
But at about the rest of us?
What about our stories?
The holiday "

I truely start thinking about this. What about our stories? Why don't we have those amazing "happy endings"? And why in real life no one fights for you so hard just like in the movies? Where is that courage that people show there, admitting what they feel, fighting for what they love? It's because in real life the pain and humiliation feels a lot worse.
"Lion King" can definitely teach us a lot. Not only how to live with no worries, but how hard can be life sometimes. And last, but not least how important is to have good friends around you.

петък, 15 юни 2012 г.

I don't need a Superhero or a Prince Charming on a white horse. I just need someone who can save me from the world I live in. And who can take me to a magical place, where all of the pain will disappear.

People are fond of saying that you can't unring a bell.
And while that may be true, you can certainly smother its ring under the dull roar of conjecture and lies. But some words ring out like church bells, rising above the din, calling us to the truth." - Emily Thorne " Revenge "

четвъртък, 14 юни 2012 г.

I know I haven't posted for a couple of days, but I was kind of busy. I had some final exams, but finally,  all of them are over! Yeah, what a relief! But the hardest part is yet to come, in which university am I going to study. I think this will be harder than my final exams. I hope I get in 'cause I'm dying to get out of this town. Away from everyone!

петък, 8 юни 2012 г.

"I always knew I would look back on my tears and laugh;
but I never knew I would look back at my laughter and cry."

I would be really glad if someday I meet someone just like Beau Mirchoff 's character " Matty McKibben " in  "Awkward ". He is just the sweetest thing!
One of the things that piss me off the most, is the fact that all boys don't know what they want. I'm sick and tired to be someone's doormat. I'm tired of the foolishness of some people who think that the beautiful girl has to be 40 kilograms and skin and bones. Are you serious? It's too bad that this is the reallity these days. It's a sickness to be a 0 size. It really is. And I just can't understand people like this, who prefer skinny than healthy. Yeah, but in the end everyone's got taste. Right?

Since the blog is called "Just me" I think it's time for some peronal confessions. Many people believe in movies. I also used to believe in movies. In the movies that always have a happy ending and the boy gets the girl and the girl gets the boy. Yeah, maybe sometimes it happens in real life, but I guess I don't deserve a "Happy ending". I had the boy and I've lost the boy! Only because I was foolish enough to follow someone else, not my heart. And now the boy has his girl.  - "Too bad, so sad!" - said Marishka to Van Helsing right before she tried to kill him. I will say it too if I stop fighting for him. But I won't. And I never will.

From now on every day I will post a "Quote of the day". Every day the quote will be about a different topic. And here it is the first quote which is about friendship. :)

"A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out."

сряда, 6 юни 2012 г.

C'mon people, I want to see you all .. you know .. Show me you are here .. C'mon comment, I want to see how you feel about the blog. Do you like the things I write. Your opinion is important! :))))))))

A kiss is
a lovely trick designed by nature, to stop the speech, when words become unnecessary.

вторник, 5 юни 2012 г.

"I can be your hero, baby.
I can kiss away your pain.
I would stand by you forever.
You can take my breath away!"

The most amnazing song ever!

сряда, 30 май 2012 г.

събота, 19 май 2012 г.

четвъртък, 17 май 2012 г.


Class of 2012.
The best in the world!
I will miss you, guys!

XIIг "Организация на хотелиерството" към Професионална гимназия "Проф.Д-р Асен Златаров" - Видин, България

XIIг "Hotel service organization" Vocational School "Prof. D-r Asen Zlatarov" - Vidin, Bulgaria

Випуск 2012!
Ще ми липсвате, въпреки всичко!

неделя, 13 май 2012 г.

The official Mother's day in Bulgaria is on 8-th of March, in the US is celebrated on the second Sunday in May and so on. That doesn't mean that we have to give our mother a gift or just to say "I love you", only on this single day. We have to respect and love our mothers every single day of the year. We have to cherish all of the self-sacrifice they did for us. So this is all I have to say for now. I LOVE YOU, MOM!

понеделник, 7 май 2012 г.

You don't realise how much it hurts to lose someone, who you use to have, until you lose him forever! "Nevermind I'll find someone like you", sang Adele in Someone like you , yeah I can say it to, but it's hard. What if this person is actually the one? Well, I gues I'll never find out. "I wish nothing, but the best for you. Don't forget me, I beg!". And it's true I really wish him all the best and good luck! :))))
Yeah, this is the real thing!

четвъртък, 3 май 2012 г.

Cole: I already know what i'm going to call my surgical practice. Cole Cutz.
Turk: With a z?
Cole: That's right! Man, you gotta knock before you enter Cole's brain.
OMG the funniest caractor ever! :D just hilarious! :D   " Scrubs "

Check out some funny Cole moments from the movie :


сряда, 2 май 2012 г.

What an amazing and sunny day it is! I'm just having a cup of coffee with some friends of mine at my place. I wish you all a wonderful, sunny day with a lot of positive energy! :))))

Someone once said that "The forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest.", personaly I think this is 100% truth. But once a perseon I know told me that there are no fobidden fruits, just these that you can't have. I don't know maybe it it so, but maybe it's not. What would you say?
In twenty years from now we will regret more about the things we weren't able to do and not for those witch we did.

понеделник, 30 април 2012 г.

“We may think we left the past behind, but it has a way of catching up to us. Though we want to run away, we are forced to confront our past and these secrets that is buried must come into the light and then we are able to move on. We all need to leave the past behind and move on towards the future and if we are lucky, we will have help getting there.”

неделя, 29 април 2012 г.

And time for some BIG smiles.. :))) I wish you a happy sunday! Go out, have walk with friends and have an amazing day. Well, that is what I'm planning to do. :))) Have an amazing day!

And lets talk about movies. These reactions are very often sayd when people watch movies which include killing! :
When te killer kills a girl usually people have no reaction. When te killer kills a boy it's the same. But when the killer kills an animal most people react like this: What a jackass! How could he do this to the poor defenseless animal?!
Yeah.. this is the real thing. :D

събота, 28 април 2012 г.

They didn't agree on much. In fact they rarely agreed on anything. They fought all the time and they challenged each other everyday... But in spite their differences, they had one important thing in common, they were crazy about each other. - Duke " The Notebook "

I just wanna see whatcha doin' ! :D
"Deep in my heart I'm concealing things that I'm longing to say. Scared to confess what I'm feeling - frightened you'll slip away."

: Taste this.
Charlie: I don't need to taste it. It's a chocolate laxative.
Jake: I think it needs more caramel.
Charlie: I'm telling you, Alan, one of these days that kid's gonna fart and birds are gonna fall out of the sky. :D :D
Wooooow! What an amazing cake. :) I would really like to taste it someday ... mmm yummy .. :))))